The USD Tax Law Review is an exciting new journal currently being discussed at the University of San Diego School of Law. It is poised to provide the San Diego legal community with a forum for publishing tax articles, staying updated with emerging tax trends, and connecting professionals in the practice.

As with all legal journals produced by the USD School of Law, there is a multi-step approval process that can take upwards of a year to complete.

<——— Here, you’ll find our proposed timeline and target release of our first publication in the Winter of 2025!

At its current stage, the USD Tax Law Review is gathering local support from students, teachers, USD alumni, and Tax professionals.

As developments unfold, this website will reflect the journal's progress toward publication while providing the community with a platform to connect with and support it.

Project Timeline:

Official Proposal delivered to the Curriculum Committee and Dean: Estimated August 2024

On approval, proposal submission to the USD School of Law Faculty General Meeting: Estimated Spring of 2025

General Call for Paper Submissions and Articles for the Inaugural Publication: Estimated May 2025

Release of Inaugural Publication: Winter of 2025